NST are interested in setting unattainable goals. Our work emerges from the attempt to reach them.
NST strive towards density, complexity and intellectual depth. But this complexity is embedded in intensity, and the visceral. We see no distinction between thought and action, between thinking and feeling.
NST aim to create work that is adversarial; which is not to say aggressive, cruel or unpleasant. Merely that NST is not interested in staging consensus.
NST seek irresolvable questions. We are not evangelists for a cause. We do not have the answers.
NST make work in extremis: at the extremes of life, the uncomfortable space in which fundamental questions hang in the balance, teetering on the edge of chaos.
NST believe in lightness and play, but we do not consider this synonymous with thinness or comfort. We can play rough if we want to.
NST believe that no subject should be excluded from our creative frame. If executed with compassion and clarity – and without exploitative effect – performance can (and should) represent or speak to anything.
NST strive to be democratic, diverse and inclusive. No communicative force should be a sole creative arbiter – not the text, not the actors, not the lights nor the music nor the set nor the director.